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IP rate-limiting via custom header

July 25, 2024, 10:51 a.m.


IP-based rate-limiting is configured for various API endpoints. To prevent valid server-side requests, which originate from a single/pool of IPs, from being adversely impacted, this behaviour can now be controlled by a custom header.

Two headers are required to trigger this flow:

  • X-Client-IP: the IP of the user/client from which the request originated.
  • X-Client-IP-Authorization: a base64-encoded string, that is a secret known to the client and Kraken.

Additional information

  • These headers should be included in server-side requests to Kraken, but we recommend omitting them from client-side requests (i.e. those from a user's device/browser).
  • The value of X-Client-IP-Authorization should be treated as a credential and stored securely.
  • The client making requests to Kraken is responsible for obtaining and setting a correct value in X-Client-IP.
  • X-Client-IP supports the same format as X-Forwarded-For.
  • The header names above are defaults, and can be configured.


  1. Client-side: valid ✅

    • Request: x-client-ip and x-client-ip-authorization not included.
    • Response: Rate-limiting applied on source IP.
  2. Server-side: valid ✅

    • Request: {"x-client-ip": "", "x-client-ip-authorization": "correct-value"}.
    • Response: Rate-limiting applied on
  3. Server-side: invalid ❌

    • Request:
      • Incorrect credentials:
        • {"x-client-ip": "", "x-client-ip-authorization": "incorrect-value"} .
      • Missing headers:
        • {"x-client-ip": ""}
        • {"x-client-ip-authorization": "correct-value"}
    • Response: Rate-limiting applied on source IP.